SmarTally Display Edition Software

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SmarTally® Display Edition is a desktop application that allows you to manage status and alarms messages that appear on electronic display boards throughout your entire mill.

The intelligent programming that runs behind the scenes allows it to communication with numerous displays from various vendors including, but not limited to, Pro-Lite, Adaptive Displays, Newnes Infomaster, Vorne Industries, and more.  The flexibility of the user interface takes the complicated process of formatting a message for a specific display out of the picture, so you only need to think of the content you want displayed.

Support for retrieving data from common Allen-Bradley processors such as ControlLogix, CompactLogix, MicroLogix, PLC-5 and SLC is included, making it easy to create and display messages and alarms using data on your existing PLC network.

Figure 1: The SmarTally® Display Edition user interface provides quick access to the displays, PLC’s, messages and alerts configured for the system.


Adding additional displays to the system is a simple process.  Give it a name, select its type from the list provided, and enter its IP Address.  Messages can then be dragged onto its surface to add them to it.


We set out to create an intuitive user interface for creating messages, and ended up with a simple, but extremely flexible message creation system.  Messages can be triggered so that they appear on a display by a user-defined set of on-conditions.  These can be simple bits in the PLC or complex conditions made up of equal to, greater than and less than operators.

That same functionality was expanded upon for the message content.  Here, you can enter simple text such as Control Power Is Off, or data-driven messages like 98.6% Efficiency where the value 98.6% is made up of a mathematical calculation of the uptime divided the run time, whose values are obtained from the PLC.


To top the system off, SmarTally® Display Edition’s alerting system allows any message to be sent to an email address or a mobile phone in the form of a text message.  If an alarm is triggered because an urgent situation has arisen, you can be sure that it is not only shown on a display, but also sent to someone who can deal with it immediately.

SmarTally Display Edition is part of the SmarTally line of advanced software products.

SmarTally Display Edition is part of the SmarTally line of advanced software products.